How to deal with the discolouration of PVC wood grain steel plate in Anhui?

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How to deal with the discolouration of PVC wood grain steel plate in Anhui?

2024-05-09 Company News

Anhui PVC wood grain steel plate wood grain aluminium alloy profile workpiece processing process, the use of water-based cutting fluid is particularly likely to to aluminium alloy workpiece discolouration or corrosion. So what is the reason?

(1) Aluminium belongs to the amphoteric metal and acid, alkali can have a reaction;

(2) The free chlorine in the cutting fluid is briefly reacted with aluminium;

(3) Cutting fluid metamorphosis after the corrosion of the workpiece;

(4) PVC wood grain steel plate aluminium alloy originally contains some trace impurities that react with each other.

PVC wood grain steel cladding wood grain aluminium alloy profiles discolouration of the treatment plan is as follows:

(1) Manipulate the PH value of cutting fluid between 8.5-9.5;

(2) Try to use non-chlorine cutting fluid, use a stable pressure agent, or add additives that can neutralise free chlorine;

(3) PVC wood grain steel plate should be punctual replacement of cutting fluid, timely replacement of the cutting fluid has been metamorphosed;

(4) Anhui PVC wood grain steel plate using anti-corrosion, rust cutting fluid.